With great expectation

As I mentioned last week, this weekend St. Joseph, Pillar of Families Parishes celebrates with great joy the ordination of Adam Berning as a transitional deacon. This is Deacon Berning’s final step on his path to priesthood next year. Please keep him in prayer. I am grateful for his family and this area which helped to awaken the Lord’s call in Deacon Berning’s heart and life. Keep praying that vocations will continue to come from our Family of Parishes.

I am also very excited as we move forward in the Beacon’s process at how onboard so many people already are. Thank you for that gift and I truly do appreciate all of you. I am continually humbled by the different ways that people build friendships with one another and their desire to seek the Lord in every situation of life. People really do want to work with each other and have begun doing so in many different ways. The many kind notes and words I have received are greatly appreciated. It is very clear that so many of you trust in the Lord even if we cannot see the full beauty He is unveiling before us.

As we continue to work out the vision of our Family of Parishes, please pray that the Lord may show all of us why He brought us together as St. Joseph, Pillar of Families. Vision is an organization’s answer to the question of “why do we exist?” I look forward to continuing to uncover more and more of the reason why God brought our Family of Parishes together in His Almighty Providence. He is truly our Father who cares for us and has plans for our good and His glory.

Beginning in June, there will be no 7:00 a.m. First Friday Communion Service at St. Michael. This coming Friday, May 5, will be the final one. Thank you to everyone who provided the Communion Service in the past. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, there is a Mass at Sacred Heart at 6:30 a.m. on Friday and ideally one should receive our Lord in Holy Communion within the context of Mass if possible. This ideal is to be encouraged by those who are in good health. Second, the archdiocese has a policy that states that Communion Services should not take place at a similar time to another Mass within a Family of Parishes. You can see more in the vicar’s corner about receiving Holy Communion outside of Mass.

I would like to thank Barb Blanco for her service to Holy Angels and the St. Joseph, Pillar of Families Parishes. She stepped away from her duties as Director of Religious Education and I am grateful for her service. Please keep her in prayer.

I would like to thank our catechists for the time and talent they share with our young people. It is a joy when we priests get to come to the classroom and see the children excited to learn and know the Lord and their priest no matter who he is. So, thank you to our generous catechists and the example they give.

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Jarred Kohn

Julie Petersen