He is still risen!
As we continue through the Easter Season, we remember that Christ Risen from the dead continues to be the truth. He is alive, He is still alive today! What good news this is! Even with the difficulties and trials of life, the Lord is Risen and He is still alive. This means that He still dwells among us and continues to bestow His strength upon all of us. We need but kneel before the tabernacle where Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity dwells day and night, awaiting to have a conversation with you. In the Confessional, Jesus still forgives sins as He did for the woman caught in adultery, the men who lowered their friend through the roof, and Peter, who denied Jesus three times. He encounters His people in all the sacraments in a personal way. The sacraments are the springboard into a deeper personal relationship with Him who has loved since before the world began. Turn to personal prayer to truly become His friend. His friendship will see you through any struggle. Say to yourself often: “Jesus, I trust in You!”
As I mentioned last week about vision, I want to encourage all of you to pray about what the vision is for our entire Family of Parishes. Not just your individual parish, but the entire Family of Parishes. The vision is the answer to “why do we exist?” When we answer this question, it helps us to then evaluate all of our activity and whether it helps to further the vision of St. Joseph, Pillar of Families Parishes or not. The vision and its associated values become the lens through which we look at everything. You can contact me or our Coordinator of Sacramental Life if you have prayed and reflected on what the vision for our Family of Parishes is.
Congrats to all of our First Communicants! After this weekend, all of our young people who are making their First Communion will have reached this beautiful milestone. It is always a joy for me to see the joy on the faces of those young people about to receive our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. May all of us approach the Lord in Holy Communion with the same simple joy that these boys and girl do, recognizing Jesus as truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Thank you to the parents of our First Communicants who have brought their children to the day of their First Communion. Parents are the primary educators of their children in the Faith, and I am appreciative that so many want their children to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Jarred Kohn