Summer Fun

I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful summer. If you are traveling for vacation or other trips, please enjoy yourself and do not forget that if you are on vacation over the weekend your obligation to attend Mass is still in place. It is your responsibility to ensure that you look up Mass times and make every reasonable effort to find a Mass time that works for you and your family. I would suggest that you make looking for a Sunday Mass your first priority when planning your trips. I say this because Scripture tells us that we must keep holy the Sabbath and worship God alone. Meaning, that I fail in my responsibility as pastor if I do not let you know that you owe worship to God before everything else in your life.

Also, look in the bulletin for some opportunities to help your children grow in faith with Vacation Bible School or the High School Retreat toward the end of June. I would also encourage families to consider making a mini pilgrimage to a place like the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics, Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio, or even just going to one of the churches in the Land of Cross-Tipped Churches and pray a Rosary in that church as a family.

We have sold some farmland that Holy Angels had possessed for many years. We sold it for a couple of reasons: First, with Beacons of Light, we were not able to have a capitol campaign for the stained-glass windows, which needed to be done to prevent further deterioration of the windows themselves. So, this sale allows us to pay for the windows in full and then some. Second, the rent we received each year was negligible and with the rising property taxes was getting more negligible. Third, with Beacons of Light, there are now many more properties to manage, and this makes management of these properties and facilities a little easier with one less thing to worry about. So, praise God that we were able to make this sale and work towards beautifying our church so as to give greater glory to God by giving His house the best we have to offer.

Please remember to pray for the Beacons of Light process and our new Family of Parishes (Ss. Peter & Paul, Newport; Sacred Heart, McCartyville; St. Michael, Fort Loramie; and Holy Angels, Sidney.) On July 1st our Mass, Confession, and Adoration schedules will adjust. We will try to keep you updated as time goes on. We will be trying to post the priest schedules for a few weeks as we get started to help you better understand how this works.

Thank you to the future priests of NW-7 who have given me invaluable aid and feedback. Fr. Aaron himself has helped to make up the nice charts and list of Mass, Confession, and Adoration schedules for priests. I look forward to working with each of our NW-7 priests.

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Jarred Kohn

Chloe Sember