Who are we?

This weekend, we are voting for the patron for our Family of Parishes. This is such an exciting step in our journey as a Family of Parishes and brings with it a move towards a deepening of the ties between Ss. Peter & Paul, St. Michael, Sacred Heart, and Holy Angels. We continue to take the steps toward becoming united in Christ. As we do so, remember that you are a beloved child of God and that you are loved and treasured by Him. This is the reason He sent His Son Jesus Christ, “so that we might have eternal life through him.” (1 John 4:9) This is why we are here as human beings, and this is why each of our four parishes exist. So that everyone in our parish boundaries will come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus so as to be forever happy with Him in eternity. You are valuable and essential to this mission. But first you must attend to your own salvation so as to help others to discover their call in Christ. Take heart; He is calling you!

We hope to have the results of the Family of Parishes patron voting next weekend at Sunday Masses. So please keep an ear out for that. Next weekend will open the opportunity for you to reflect on where you are in your spiritual life and to help understand where our parishes and Family of Parishes are at as a whole by taking the anonymous “Disciple Maker Index Survey.” There will be a separate link for each parish, or a separate code, so please ensure you take the correct survey that corresponds to the parish of which you are a member. We will have sheets with the QR code for the survey at the end of each pew so that you can pull it up on your smartphone and take the survey in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. So, you can come early to Mass and take the survey, you can stay after Mass and take the survey, you can come to Adoration and take the survey, or, you can come anytime your church is open and take the survey. We will also try to have a sheet with all four parishes’ QR codes at the end of each pew, so that if you attend another parish for Mass or stop by to pray you can take the survey there. This coming week, take some time (ideally in front of the tabernacle with Jesus in the Eucharist) to reflect on:

1.      Where am I in my spiritual journey?

2.      Do I see opportunities for me to grow in relationship with the Lord? (personally, and in my parish.)

3.      Why do I come to Mass?

Please note that we are looking at ways to move forward in the Beacons process. First, we are looking at ways to streamline and focus parish administration. We are doing the same process in the realm of religious education, including standardizing curriculum across the board insofar as that is possible. We are also going to begin focusing pastoral councils and other parish committees to look at the best way forward. We have already begun in earnest the Witness To Love marriage prep model which focuses on mentor couples helping to walk our engaged couples through the marriage prep process and hopefully well into the engaged couples’ future marriage. So again, couples in the pews, be aware you may be asked to walk with an engaged couple.

Thank you to my staff and to all of our volunteers. It has been a truly wonderful experience to work with all of them and all of you. Please pray for our parish staffs and volunteers.

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Jarred Kohn

Julie Petersen