Rolling with it
Over the past seven months there have been many adjustments, transitions, hiccups, and victories. You, the parishioners of the St. Joseph, Pillar of Families Parishes, have been wonderful and understanding of the modifications we have made to parish life. You have embraced the focus on devotion and love for the Eucharist and have grown in your desire to work for the salvation of souls. I know the Lord smiles upon your efforts, and I am proud of you all.
A more recent hiccup has had to do with the St. Philomena Chapel at Sacred Heart. After some modification to the plans, we will not need to move Mass to 7:00 a.m. The time will remain at 8:00 a.m. These adjustments are the fruit of consultation and feedback from staff and parishioners. Thank you again.
As we approach Lent this coming Ash Wednesday, please check the bulletin for liturgy times. If you have not already, pray and consider what practices you will be undertaking this Lent to grow closer to our Lord and deepen your love for others. Continue to look for small opportunities in the Lenten season and beyond to sacrifice and pray for the St. Joseph, Pillar of Families Parishes. We have come so far! We have named our Family of Parishes. Our pastoral councils are meeting together and working toward a unified Family pastoral council. We are coordinating Mass, Confession, Adoration, and liturgy schedules to best serve the entire Family of Parishes, and we’re bringing our three staffs together to work toward a unified Family staff.
However, there are still many tough decisions ahead, and this is not something I am looking forward to doing. But I know that with the help of the Lord, my staff, my vicars, parishioners, and others, we will come to well thought out decisions. In the coming months and years these decisions may affect you in seemingly negatively ways, but please remember our primary intention is not to offend or hurt you. We are trying to make the best decisions. It is okay if you feel hurt and are upset down the road. This process is not easy and will come with its own crosses. But the Lord often strips us of our comforts to invite us to deeper union with Him.
Again, look in the bulletin and on the Facebook page for opportunities to grow in your Faith this Lent. And do not forget to take the DMI survey if you have not done so already. Encourage others to do so as well. Thanks to everyone who has taken it already. You are helping to give us invaluable information. The survey link is survey/y8g293.
I want to thank our staff again for the wonderful job they have been doing and for how well they have handled adjusting to our new reality. Do not be afraid to thank them for all they do and for the many ways they serve you.
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Jarred Kohn