Relentless Almsgiving

One of the things the Church encourages us to do in the season of Lent is almsgiving, that is giving money or some other good to another. I would encourage everyone to give to the poor in some way big or small. I know some give to a specific charity each year in Lent and others I have heard that give to a different charity each week of Lent. Whatever you do remember that almsgiving is all about our response to a generous and loving God who first loved us. Yes, it is good for us but ultimately almsgiving is ultimately about sacrifice something given to another, but it is ultimately an offering to God first and foremost. “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 28:40)

This also applies to giving to the Church. People may say I do not give to my parish because I don’t approve of the Archdiocese, I do not like what is happening, or I do not like that priest. Yet, I would offer an insight I heard from a Catholic podcast that our giving is a sacrifice to the Lord. The Lord continues to provide the sacraments through the Church and Her priests. Priests that have sacrificed other futures to serve Christ and His Church. This also applies to the employees of the Church who aid the pastor in administrating the parish(es). Many employees have given up better paying jobs with less stress to serve the Church. Perhaps ask yourself if by not giving you are taking away from those who have sacrificed at least a portion of their life to serve the Church. For whether we agree with everything or not at the end of the day our almsgiving to the Church is a sacrifice in return for the sacrifice Christ made at the Cross for His Bride, The Church. (Ephesians 5:22-23) Through the Church, Christ continues to provide the sacraments and all graces. Without the Church we do not have the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.

If you would like to start giving you can reach out to the parish office to start EFT giving or get envelopes. We cannot make amazing things happen without your help. Thank you for all your generosity in the past and continued generosity in the future.

Please look for the opportunities we have in St. Joseph, Pillar of Families. From confessions to Stations of the Cross to faith formation, there are many opportunities to grow in your Catholic faith. Remember the Lenten Mission from February 25-28. Jesus has got you!

Thank you to the Church the Bride of Christ through which we continue to receive the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and all the sacraments. She is our Mother and growing in love of Her is to grow in love of Jesus Christ.

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Jarred Kohn

Holy Angels