Praise Him with a Grateful Heart
Throughout Scripture we see again and again that no matter the situation good or ill that we are told to worship the Lord always. We must give Him praise and thank Him for His many benefits. No matter what, God is good and even the tribulations we face are given or permitted for our sanctification. “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His mercy endures forever.”
Even with the tragic approval of Issue 1 in Ohio which enshrines the evil of abortion in our state constitution and disintegrates parental rights in Ohio. The Lord is still Lord of history and is in charge. I would encourage you to do penance for our state and that the tarnished mark Issue 1 has impressed upon our state might be removed. St. Gianna Molla patroness of life, pray for us!
As we approach Thanksgiving and Advent, please keep an eye out for extra opportunities to receive mercy in the sacrament of penance. As we will be having several Days of Grace leading up to Christmas. We will also be putting a pause on our rotations during Advent. So, each of the four priests will be sticking with one rotation for Advent and we will then return to rotations after Christmas. This is being done to give us an opportunity to focus on gratitude and thanksgiving in Advent in hopes of consistency giving us as priests an opportunity to develop this theme more deeply.
It has come to my attention that there have been a number of scammers texting and emailing parishioners to ask for money or gift cards. Please note I would never ask for personal aid in such a way.
For further emphasis, the plan for Beacons in St. Joseph, Pillar of Families does not include closing any our church buildings. As long as people are financially supporting their church, properly maintaining the structures, and are showing up it would be beyond ridiculous to relegate any of churches to profane us. I continue to hear that it is being insinuated that the “real” plan is to close churches. Such suggestions are false, incite unfounded fear, and are extremely misleading.
Thank you to all of my vicars. As we continue to move forward, their support and example have been beautiful witnesses to trust in Divine Providence. Do not forget to thank them individually for what they bring to the table.
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Jarred Kohn