Lines of Communication

As Beacons of Light begins in earnest, we are working towards making things work as best we can. I am writing this before Beacons has kicked off because of the July 4th Holiday (Happy Birthday, America!). We must submit our bulletins early. Thus, I apologize if any balls have been dropped and confusion has ensued. But please understand that I have four parishes to pastor and that our offices now have four priests to keep track of. No easy task for anyone. We have come to a solution for how parishioners will reach priests for Sacramental Emergencies after hours, allowing those who need Last Rites to receive it in a timely manner. What is a sacramental emergency? A sacramental emergency is a life-or-death situation that poses an imminent threat to life or lives which requires Last Rites (apostolic pardon, anointing, and if the individual is able viaticum [aka Holy Communion]). Calling this line is for real emergencies and not for requests, questions, or complaints. It is to be used to ensure that someone in need of the Lord’s mercy and grace at the time of death can receive this gift through the ministry of a priest. This is one of the great gifts of being a priest: helping someone to trust in Jesus through the sacraments of the Church!

The emergency line number is 937-947-0204, and you will also be able to call each parish office after hours and be given an extension option that will reach this number, as well. When the emergency line is called, it will ring to each of the four priests’ phones (Fr. Steve Mondiek, Fr. Andrew Reckers, Fr. Jarred Kohn, and Fr. Aaron Hess) and whoever picks up first will take the call. If the call goes to voicemail, each priest will be able to access the voicemail on his phone and will respond as quickly as possible. Again, this number is for sacramental emergencies only! I would suggest you put the above number in your phone in case it is needed. It would also be a good idea to call your respective parish office when a loved one’s health takes a turn for the worse before it is an emergency. This also allows the loved one to prepare. I tell you all of this because I want everyone to be able to receive all the grace they can to face their death and come to the heavenly homeland. We want to get everyone to heaven!

Another communication note, if you visit another parish within our Family of Parishes (St. Michael, Fort Loramie; Sacred Heart, McCartyville; Holy Angels, Sidney; and Ss. Peter & Paul, Newport) for Sunday Mass, you will be able to drop your collection envelope into the collection basket and each of our parish offices will ensure that your envelope and contribution gets back to your home parish. Thank you for everyone’s generosity and for the excellent work all our volunteers do. I am always impressed by how much happens without me knowing because people just do what they need to do to help their parish. It is a beautiful testament to your love for our Lord.

Finally, a big ole THANK-YOU! to my staff at Ss. Peter & Paul, St. Michael, Sacred Heart, and Holy Angels for putting up with me. I cannot imagine how hard it is for them to share a pastor, but they do it with patience and grace. They are great! Thank them for the service they give to your parish.

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Jarred Kohn

Chloe Sember