“I go to my fathers, in whose mighty company I shall not now feel ashamed”

One of the greatest completions to any character arc is that of King Theoden in “the Lord of the Rings” (both the book and the film). Theoden starts out fearful and unwilling to face the realities facing him and his kingdom when the audience meets. Thanks to the encouragement of Gandalf and others Theoden is able to face in courage and freedom the task that lays before. In the end, he is willing to sacrifice the security of his own body and kingdom of Rohan for Gondor and Middle Earth as a whole. He recognizes that the “safety” of remaining in Rohan only delays its defeat but by joining with Gondor in the fight against Sauron, such a united front stands a better chance of victory than standing alone (not to mention it is the right thing to do). King Theoden falls in battle before the gates of Gondor’s capital Minas Tirith and as he dies, he utters the powerful line “I go to my fathers, in whose mighty company I shall not now feel ashamed”.

Theoden has not changed but acknowledges the change in character that has taken place. He now sees himself as worthy of standing before his forebearers with honor. What a difference than the one we first met! For us, we too must acknowledge the work that God has done in us. We can at times grow discouraged, thinking that we are the same old person we have always been. Yet, if we have been working to turn our life and will over to the Lord, we will find that in looking at the past from the macro level we find that we have changed, we have grown, and we have converted in areas of our life. So, take courage the Lord is working in us so long as we are trying to allow Him to work in our souls. Receive the confidence that comes not from our own power but from the power given to us as beloved sons and daughters of God.

As I come to the end of my time as pastor, I too survey the past and can like Theoden say with truth of conscience that standing before mighty forebearers of the Faith and the Lord Himself that I am not ashamed. Have I made mistakes? Absolutely. Am I happy with the way I always responded to mistreatment? No. However, I carried out my charge as best I could and followed my pastoral conscience. Acknowledging the reality that faces us in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Shelby County which requires the Church to stand in unity and concern for the entire Body of Christ. Many lessons have been learned and there will be even more to learn moving forward. For that I am forever grateful to all of you, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Almighty God.

I will also be on vacation this coming week; this was scheduled prior to the announcement that I had requested to be given a new assignment come July. I am looking forward to the opportunity to be with the Lord and my brother priests. Know of my prayers for all of you, and I ask for them too in return.

Thank you to the many wonderful people of St. Joseph, Pillar of Families. You are a gift and I pray to never forget that you are beloved children of God the Father. Seek Him always!

Peace in Christ,
Father Jarred Kohn

Anna Kleinhenz