First Comes Sunday, Then Comes Christmas

St. Francis de Sales gave the advice to priest that they should make a holy hour daily unless they were busy. Then, he quipped “they should pray two.” Prayer and the Faith should always come first was his point. As we approach Christmas next week, remember that the 4th Sunday of Advent is still a holy day of obligation and even if you go to a Christmas Eve vigil Mass you are still obligated as a member of the baptized to participate in Sunday Mass either with a vigil on Saturday, December 23, or the morning of December 24.

You will be understandably busy with preparations for Christmas but to reiterate St. Francis de Sales point that when we are most busy, we place even more trust in God by giving the Lord our time. It may seem hectic and unmanageable, but I promise that if you make the effort to commit yourself to attend Mass both for the 4th Sunday of Advent and for Christmas, you will not regret, and God will reward your faithfulness in ways you may not even perceive.

I want to encourage you all again to scootch in your pews and make room for those who may be joining us for Christmas. Make them feel welcome and encourage them to attend with us every Sunday. Christmas is a great opportunity for us to welcome them who do not regularly join us for Mass because we want what is best for everyone which is Jesus, and Jesus is made fully present to us at Mass.

As we approach the final days of Advent approaching Christmas, stay strong in your Advent practices and prepare your heart to receive Jesus, the newborn King. While Advent was short this year, hopefully it was still an opportunity to grow in your Faith and to prioritize what is most important.

Thank you to all of the employees in St. Joseph, Pillar of Families. I am extraordinarily grateful for all that they do. I think we may have the best team in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati when it comes to our employees. Do not forget to thank them for their great work.

Peace in Christ,
Fr. Jarred Kohn

Holy Angels